Welcome to the San Francisco Senatus Website!
The San Francisco Senatus, through the means of this website looks forward to providing valuable information and news update to all its active, auxiliary members, spiritual directors and to all who might be searching in taking a part in the Church's mission of evangelization.
We hope that the stories contained herein would bring inspiration in responding to the call of service for our Lord Jesus Christ under the guidance of Our Lady. With humility, we welcome all our friends and visitors.
Briefly, it was In 1933 that the first praesidium of the Legion of Mary was formed at Saint Monica Parish in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Thanks to the first Legion Envoy to the West, Mary Duffy who came from Dublin, Ireland and thanks for the financial support of Mr. Bartley Oliver, a San Francisco native, who personally funded her sojourn to the US to expand the Legion of Mary in this part of the world.
From this one praesidium in 1933, the Legion of Mary continued to grow in our beloved archdiocese - first as a Curia in 1937, to a Comitium in 1941. Then in 2004, the Concilium Legionis recognizing our efforts and commitment over the years, elevated us to a status of a Senatus. Today, the San Francisco Senatus serves a large geographical territory and area of responsibility in the western part of the United States, including the state of Alaska. Thank you to all those who made this possible. We remain forever loyal and thankful for your trust and confidence in us.
We encourage all our current members to please continue to invite fellow Catholics - family members, young adults, friends and anyone seeking Christ, to join us in the Legion of Mary. Information contained in this website (see "Join the Legion" page for more details about the Legion of Mary) might help open their hearts and minds.
To all our visitors, feel free to navigate our pages and contact us if you have questions or might be interested in applying for membership to the Legion of Mary. The Legion of Mary consists of Catholic men and women who desires to grow in their personal holiness through prayer, sacraments and apostolic action. Animated by the Holy Spirit, these ordinary men and women are gradually molded to become instruments of the Catholic Church as they take on a commitment to help priests in bringing the message of Christ to all.
The Legion of Mary is a fully recognized organization of the Catholic Church, founded more than 100 years ago on September 7, 1921 in Dublin. Ireland, by a holy man, the Servant of God Frank Duff.