Milestones and Celebrations
This page has been reserved for active and auxiliary members within the San Francisco Senatus and its attached Praesidia and Councils who are celebrating special milestones, anniversaries and other joyful and spirit-filled occasions. We will continue to update this page as we receive more news and stories from around the San Francisco Senatus.
Brother Jun and Emy Pasion - Happy Retirement!!! Good Luck!

After more than forty years of service in the Legion of Mary, San Francisco Senatus, we bid a farewell to Brother Jun and Emy Pasion who are returning back to their native land, the Philippines, for some needed 'R&R." Brother Jun Pasion has held various positions in the SF Senatus - as the past president of the San Francisco Comitium and also of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Praesidium at Saint Patrick's Church (SF). Sister Emy Pasion is currently the Assistant Secretary of the San Francisco Senatus, and like Bro. Jun, has held different officer positions in the San Francisco Senatus and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Praesidium. For many years, Bro. Jun and Sis Emy have been responsible in organizing and leading the Patrician Society at Saint Patrick's Church. This Patrician group is the oldest and longest running Patricians in the SF Senatus. WE WILL MISS YOU and don't forget to drop us a line and visit us when you are here in the Bay!
Happy 90th Birthday Sister Mary Peterson!

Let's all face it! The San Francisco Senatus would not be where it is today if not for the inspiration, guidance and perseverance of Mary Elizabeth Kenny Peterson or Sister Mary, for short. Sister Mary was the former president of the San Francisco Comitium (now the SF Senatus) and has been an active member and officer of the Legion of Mary at the parish of Saint Cecilia in San Francisco.
Born in Mullingar, Ireland to Peter and Christina Kenny, Mary was raised under the influence of holy and devout Catholic parents. She learned the faith from her parents and wonderful sisters throughout her childhood and school years. At the age of eleven, she became a junior member of the Legion of Mary. She had the opportunity to have personally met Alfie Lambe and Frank Duff. In fact, Sister Mary received Frank Duff in her home in Ireland with fond memories of him. She said that she had kept the teacup from which the founder of the Legion sipped tea. She devoted her life to the Legion of Mary only taking time off to raise her children.
She did a novena to Saint Bernadette asking her to grant her wishes to immigrate to the United States. Saint Bernadette answered her prayers. And thus, in 1959 she left Ireland and headed to San Francisco. As soon as she had settled in her new city and country she sought out the Legion of Mary where she met friends for life. It was through the Legion of Mary where she met an active member at Saint Boniface named Hugh Peterson, her future husband. Mary and Hugh traveled to Montgomery, Alabama and there extended the Legion of Mary. Hugh and Mary Peterson have five children and two grandchildren
Sister Mary held many positions as a praesidium officer of the Legion of Mary (Our Lady of Mercy, Saint Cecilia) and a council officer in the San Francisco Comitium. More importantly, Sister Mary participated in the works of evangelization, seeking souls and bringing them closer to the Church and to God. She visited homes for many decades, brought the Holy Eucharist to the Sick, went to Exploratio Dominicalis, Peregrenatio Pro Cristo and organized the Patrician's Meeting. Sister Mary was always full of energy and enthusiasm to serve Jesus and the Blessed Mother, thus there never was a 'down-time' for her. She evangelized while grocery shopping or on vacation with her husband and family. As if it was not enough, she organized the Eucharistic Adoration at her parish and maintained this devotion for many years.
Sister Mary continues to live the vocation she had so chosen, and thus even now at the young age of 90 years old, she continues to make her life ever focused on the Eucharist, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Rosary. She continues to draw people closer to God, encouraging them to grow in their faith, promoting devotion to Mary and the Rosary. She is indeed forever young, in love with Christ.
Sister Mary is known and loved by many. She is the salt of the earth and the light of he world. Our lives are better because of her. Thank you Sister Mary for casting the net, as a fisher of men - sending many to their heavenly Jerusalem. Happy Birthday and many more.