Meetings, Events and Apostolates
Monthly Senatus Meetings
The San Francisco Senatus monthly meetings are now being held every SECOND SATURDAY OF THE MONTH, 10:00 a.m. at Saint Francis of Assisi Church in East Palo Alto, CA. Father Lawrence Goode, the Spiritual Director of the San Francisco Senatus is the pastor of the parish.
ACIES - 2022
The San Francisco Senatus and its nearby council, San Francisco Mission Excelsior Curia held the ACIES Ceremonies, March 19, 2022 (Saturday), 11:00 a.m. at Saint Finn Barr's Church. There were at least 75 Legionaries (a pleasant surprise considering the current pandemic situation!) who took part in the solemn consecration to Our Blessed Mother. This was a special event, as it coincided with the Feast of Saint Joseph. After the completion of the Legion Concluding Prayers, Fr. Cameron Pollette, Spiritual Director of the San Mateo County Comitium, led the Legionaries to the Act of Consecration to Saint Joseph.

Fr. Cameron Pollette, Spiritual Director of the San Mateo County Comitium, led the Legion of Mary Prayers (above) and was the celebrant of the Mass said in the Traditional Latin (Low Mass). Shown below are Bro. Ando Perlas and Bro. Pol Palencia, altar servers for the Mass.

Virtual Workshop on the Legacy of the Legion of Mary
Date: January 15, 2022 - 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Place: Virtual Conference (via Zoom) - 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Monthly Patrician's Society
Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Praesidium, Saint Patrick's Church in San Francisco, holds a monthly Patrician's Meeting every last Sunday of the month, 1:30 p.m. As of March 2022, the Patrician's Meeting is once again held live in person (though still open to others via Virtual Meeting (Zoom).
Date: March 27, 2022 - Time: 1:30 p.m. Place: Saint Patrick's Church
For those who cannot be with us, you can participate via ZOOM
ID - 977 561 0947 - PASSCODE - 982 982 or DIAL 1-408-638-0968 - Audio only.
Past Senatus Functions and Events From Prior Years
Workshop on the Legacy of the Legion of Mary
Date: August 28, 2021 - 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Place: Church of the Epiphany (San Francisco)
Annual General Reunion
Date: December 4, 2021 6:30 p.m.
Place: Corpus Christ Church (San Francisco)
8th Annual Conference
"Trust in Mary in Times of Crisis"
Date: September 19, 2020 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Place: Virtual Conference (Via Zoom)
San Francisco Senatus Workshop
Date: May 24, 2020
Place: Virtual Conference (Via Zoom)